Monday, September 23, 2019


i was told not to chase
a filthy thief like you
you would've come by yourself
if i became an interesting target
so i took some time off
becoming the girl of your dream
i thought i got you,
when you approached me uninvited
my eyes were gleaming
my lips were beaming
my heart was blooming
my pulse was racing
and i wondered
would i lose you? would i lose you? would i lose you? would i lose you? would i lose you? would i lose you?
would i lose you again?
just when i was busy worrying,
you attempted an escape
gone, no trace
gone, no trace
gone, no trace
gone, no trace
gone, no trace
gone, no trace

Sunday, September 22, 2019

the end of september

i've been fighting for months
staying for years
just for you
to doubt my sincerity
you're growing older
and i'm growing tired
everything's chaotic
and the world's doomed
cherry doesn't taste sweet anymore
trees are falling, berries are rotten
my heart becomes numb
even a little part of me
still do love you

i'm not staying here forever
compromising your insecurity
and trust issue
the longer i stay,
the more they break me
and all this time
i'm the only one who's sorry for your flaws
so tell me to leave
when you can't make up your mind
please push me away
when you finally realize that you don't love me
because i'll go
and i won't look back

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

i hate fire

she's made of fire, clear and burst
no strong wind could blow her away
no enough water to stop her from burning

people like summer
but they hate to burn
pray for the winter
so she could freeze up
for a moment,
a moment

she aspires to be their favorite
but it strikes like lightning
the weather is cold, yet
it burns to the bones

she has reached the edge of the world
but she remains burning, bigger and hotter
it bothers them how she lights up
blind, all she sees is dark ashes
endless darkness, a curse
wrapping all over her, flying

Sunday, September 15, 2019

unknown III

it's almost a year since we knew each other
long conversation, midnight talk until 4
sharing playlists, revealing our passion
telling me how fucked up your family was
trusting you how unstable i could be

we're so average, just like those lovebirds
full of delusions, made from childhood's fantasy
and cliche young fucked up kind of love
oh, darling, i know we won't last forever
and ever, but i am so into you right now

oh look, now we're sitting
you have your cold 'presso and i have my strawberry milkshake
eyeing the road from local corner coffee shop
arguing how you dislike sugar on your drinks
and how i hate the bitter taste of coffee
the marias is playing, 
i am asking "would you like to dance?"
and we're dancing and giggling
you're blushing because you accidentally hit your toe
i think i'm in love with your red cheeks

once in a lifetime
i've met somebody who i got to undress
heart wide open like the rich's gate
i'll let you take my one and only butterfly
leaving the bed sheet full of glitter

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

regular day

it was a regular day

where i spent my day being locked up
it's alright, i could still see the sky and clouds
the painting looked very much alike, i laughed

everything seemed normal, i am normal

feeling a huge hole where the blood wouldn't stop coming out
horrific stare eyeing the room with tears streaming down my face
muted, i couldn't release a single sound
probably because my mouth was filled up with spiders
suffocating, i was not in a factory, street, nor even the ocean

oh now here it came,
wanting to color my sleeve in red wine
wanting to swing my head around the rope

what a beautiful regular day

naked under the sky

love the thrill, love the silence
love how different we are
yet i'm still trying to be compatible
the universe, the feelings
i'm going to love you hard naked under the sky
the smell of grass lingers forever
and we won't stay together forever
i'm loving skin to skin with you
and i'm crazy over your tinted berry lips
even i'm loving the balm aftertaste
the sky is watching us like wild wolves
making love in the full moon
the night will soon fade
and our stain will be replaced by flowers

Monday, September 2, 2019

ily loud

this is another episode of me letting my guards down
feeling high over small things you did to me
they probably think i am easy, well, if that's what they think
but i am never ashamed to love you this loud
i'd rather have the whole world known than keeping this from you

now we are in the middle of nowhere, trying to work this out
even if we don't work out, i won't regret this
i will wear this on my sleeve, i am the loudest when it comes to loving you
and i got you frustrated with my sudden moves
it's alright, i have all year for you to figure me out

2021 and i will still be here, waiting for you to let me in
dressed in all black just in case you're planning to kill my feelings
then this will be my funeral with you as the suspect
don't worry about me, just rain me with hundreds of white roses
this is what i will take to love you the loudest