Friday, January 3, 2020

not a poem, just my thoughts

what's all of this?
it's supposed to be a glory
it's supposed to be a celebration
it's supposed to be a new beginning to the better future ahead
but all I see is a loss
a hiding behind walls
a hundred steps backwards going through the same old shit

I finally found a will to live
but it doesn't mean anything now
dreams are for those who are privileged
desires are for those who are privileged
feeling safe while being ignorant is for those who are privileged
and I am not one of them

my mental state isn't getting better
the feeling of something crawling out from my guts
the feeling of being spied on and haunted by
the voices that are starting to come back
and again, I lose hope
I'm starting to question myself
did hope ever exist in the first place?
or was it all in my imagination all along?

I am tired
maybe I should get some sleep
that's what people said to me
but how can I sleep when it fucks me up even when I'm asleep?
knowing there's no escape
but I'm not ready to face reality yet
saying as if I had a choice
life is funny sometimes

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